Sports Physicals


A sports physical, also known as a pre-participation physical examination (PPE) or sports clearance, is a medical examination conducted to assess an individual’s overall health and physical readiness to participate in sports or other physical activities. It is often required before joining a sports team, participating in school sports programs, or engaging in certain recreational activities.

During a sports physical, a healthcare provider, such as a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant, will typically perform the following:

  1. Medical history review: The healthcare provider will ask questions about the individual’s medical history, including past illnesses, injuries, surgeries, allergies, and any ongoing medical conditions.

  2. Physical examination: A thorough physical examination will be conducted to check various aspects of the individual’s health, including heart, lungs, musculoskeletal system, vision, and overall physical fitness.

  3. Blood pressure and heart rate measurement: Vital signs, such as blood pressure and heart rate, will be measured to ensure they are within normal ranges for sports participation.

  4. Vision and hearing assessment: Visual and auditory acuity may be tested to identify any issues that might affect performance or safety during sports activities.

  5. Flexibility and joint function evaluation: The healthcare provider may assess the individual’s flexibility and joint range of motion to identify any limitations or areas of concern.

  6. General health assessment: The provider will address general health concerns and provide recommendations to optimize the individual’s physical performance and safety during sports activities.

The sports physical is not intended to be a comprehensive medical examination but aims to identify any potential health issues or risk factors that may pose a problem during sports participation. If any concerns are identified during the evaluation, the healthcare provider may recommend further evaluation or treatment before clearing the individual for sports activities.

It is important to have a sports physical done well before the start of the sports season or activity to allow time for any necessary follow-up or medical interventions, if required. Additionally, some organizations or schools may have specific forms or paperwork that need to be completed during the sports physical, so it’s best to inquire about the requirements in advance.