Titers Testing

Fast and Friendly Phlebotomy

Let’s hear it for antibodies in our immune system! How do we know if we have antibodies to certain illnesses or foreign bacteria, viruses or chemicals? One way to find out is through a Titers Test.  But what is Titers? Titers is a blood draw that tests for antibodies of diseases for foreign substances that report either vaccination of the disease or prove immunity.

This is required for employment in some industries, mainly the healthcare industry.

Titers includes all or your employer can select the following:

  • Hepatitis A Antibody

  • Hepatitis B Antibody

  • Hepatitis C Antibody

  • Varicella IGG 

  • Rabies

  • MMR Profile

A titer test may also be used after vaccination to check if the immune system responds correctly. This can assist in diagnosing autoimmune diseases: In some conditions, the immune system attacks the body’s own cells. The presence of certain types of antibodies can be an indication of an autoimmune problem.

The licensed and certified medical professional will go over your vaccination history and as you past and current health questions.